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Divorce and separation- Seeking Prudent finicial advice at this difficult time is vital_

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Divorce and Separation – Seeking Prudent Financial Advice at This Difficult Time is Vital

Going through a divorce or separation can be an incredibly difficult and emotionally draining time. On top of the personal upheaval, there are often complex financial considerations to navigate as assets are divided and financial lives disconnected. Seeking prudent financial advice is vital during this challenging transitional period to ensure your interests are protected, and you have a plan to move forward in a sound financial position. 

According to recent UK government statistics, the number of opposite-sex divorces in 2018 was the highest since 2014 at 90,871. Furthermore, Office for National Statistics figures show that the divorce rate for opposite-sex couples in the UK increased 7.5% in 2018 compared with 2017. During such a turbulent time with so much change and uncertainty about the future, it is understandable that people going through a divorce or separation look for guidance and expertise to help safeguard their financial wellbeing.

Understanding Your Financial Position

As a first step, it is important to be clear about your financial position. This involves listing all assets such as property, savings, investments, pensions, and personal belongings, as well as any debts such as mortgages, loans, credit cards or overdrafts. You’ll also need clarity on your income from employment, benefits or maintenance payments. Analysing the value of the assets and responsibilities for debt payments determines the size of the ‘matrimonial pot’ to be divided. An experienced financial advisor can help you accurately map your financial circumstances to provide a complete picture.

Dividing the Matrimonial Assets

Dividing up assets equitably is usually one of the most complex parts of separation or divorce. There are different approaches ranging from mediation between both parties to determination by the courts if agreement cannot be reached. Regardless of which approach is taken, understanding the value of all matrimonial property is vital when negotiating or disputing settlement offers. A chartered financial advisor has the necessary valuation skills and diligence to audit assets like property and pensions during the asset splitting process. Such professional advice and expertise safeguards your interests to achieve fair terms during this divisive process.

Managing Budgets Post-Separation

Going through a divorce or separation inevitably involves establishing new budgets as finances are unmerged. Experts recommend compiling an essential monthly budget covering necessities like housing, utilities, food and transport. Depending on custody arrangements, additional budget may be required for child-related costs. A good financial planner considers your budget priorities holistically, not just clawing back on costs across the board. This tailored approach means advising on minimizing outgoings where practical while retaining spending aligned with priorities like career, health and family.

As well as budgeting for regular monthly costs, there may be significant one-off divorce-related expenses such as legal fees or relocation costs after the family home is sold. These additional demands can apply pressure to budgets for daily living. A certified financial planner can identify the most tax-efficient way to structure finances post separation like using savings vehicles or life insurance to mitigate exceptional costs. Such expert help in planning budgets ensures financial stability through the divorce transition and beyond.

Managing Debt

Addressing debt is usually a key priority after separation as financial connections begin to unravel. While joint debts accumulated in marriage are usually shared liabilities, it is best to clarify where responsibility lies depending on factors like who has custody of dependent children. Outstanding mortgages, credit cards, loans and overdrafts all need to be verified, with written agreement stating accountability for clearing these debts. Debt consolidation may be an option if repayments seem unaffordable given new budget constraints after separation. This could involve taking out a lower interest loan to pay off multiple debts that charge higher interest rates. An accredited debt advisor has the necessary technical and legal knowledge to strategize the optimal debt repayment approach while protecting your credit rating through this major financial transition. Their expertise could save thousands in interest payments over time.

Understanding Tax Implications

The financial uncoupling process after separation has tax consequences that need to be carefully considered when calculating budgets or dividing assets. Transferring ownership of property, dividing pensions and savings, receiving maintenance payments, and changes to benefits or tax credits can all affect tax liabilities. Good divorce financial advice involves planning to minimize such tax impacts through careful timing of any transfers or transactions. For example, transferring assets between spouses during the tax year could result in higher tax brackets applying. There may also be options like pension sharing orders to split retirement funds in the most tax-efficient way. With complex regulations and multiple variables at play, guidance from a financial planner with advanced tax planning credentials helps ensure minimal tax exposure during this financially fractious period.

Claiming Benefits

If facing reduced income after divorce or separation, claiming welfare benefits can provide much needed financial support. Experienced financial consultants assist with benefit claims by determining eligibility for support like Universal Credit, Child Benefit or Child Tax Credits based on specific circumstances. Making successful claims relies on following proper procedures verified by an authority like a Chartered Financial Planner. Their expertise simplifies access to entitlements at a time when this financial help makes a real difference in managing the expenses of daily living. Even if benefits provide temporary assistance during transition, obtaining this welfare buffer remains vital. So sound advice guides those divorcing or separating through the bureaucracy to start receiving funding as quickly as possible.

Reviewing Pension Provision

Pensions are valuable assets so seeking guidance from a financial expert on how these may be impacted by separation is essential. Pension sharing orders from the court can divide retirement funds between spouses in cases of divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership. This aims to distribute this major capital asset fairly based on factors like ages and incomes. While this can be an equitable approach, it involves legal procedures and aligns percentages of pensions rather than splitting total values. So pension planning specialists help negotiate agreements that evenly assign proportions. Another option is ‘pension offsetting’ which enables one spouse to keep their pension by fully compensating the other spouse in assets like cash or property. With intricate pension rules and significant sums at stake, advice from a pension planning expert facilitates optimal retirement income provision for both parties after separation.

Child Maintenance Arrangements

Financial advisors also play an important role in determining child maintenance arrangements after separation or divorce. This involves assessing incomes and outgoings to establish fair monthly payments by the non-resident parent to cover costs related to raising the children. Reasonable living expenses for all parties need to be weighed against priority child costs like food, clothes and hobbies. For example, budgeting support from a qualified money coach identifies scope forparents to economize spending through menu planning or buying cheaper brands to increase funds available for child maintenance. Such expert analysis sets realistic affordable payment levels while ensuring dependent children retain a good standard of living. Ongoing appraisal re-aligns financial support with changing circumstances like pay rises or reduced contact time. By impartially reviewing incomes and outgoings annually, financial professionals help smoothly adapt maintenance payments as families transition post-divorce.

Revise Estate Planning

Divorce or separation requires re-evaluation of estate planning to ensure wills and life insurance policies are updated to reflect the terminated marriage. Inheritance wishes and nominated beneficiaries probably need to change given the new status quo. It is also prudent tax planning to review ownership and named beneficiaries on savings accounts, investments and pension policies. An experienced wealth planner facilitates this review process after relationship breakdown to ensure assets transfer according to new wishes. Adaptations often involve redistributing percentages between former spouse, children and other relatives depending on individual preferences. Family dynamics evolve after separation so realigning estate planning is essential to prevent undesirable outcomes should the worst happen. Appointing a professional financial consultant achieves peace of mind that inheritance matters and asset distribution are fully aligned with the new circumstances.

Take Control of Your Finances

During stressful divorce proceedings, it can seem finances are dictated primarily by courts, lawyers or a former partner. However, some control can be regained by proactively looking for financial self-empowerment opportunities. For example, utilizing equity release or refinancing could help buy a former spouse’s share in a property. Also severing financial ties that bind you together facilitates moving on psychologically and practically. So an accredited financial coach works through all available options controllable at an individual level. Even if choices seem limited initially, an expert financial mentor explores every avenue from better budgeting to unlocking investment income. Their outside perspective shifts focus away from frustration to reveal openings where personal agency can be asserted during difficult divorce transitions. Over time, embracing such opportunities facilitates financial independence and stability.

Look After Your Emotional Wellbeing

This has been an overview of how to safeguard financial interests during the trauma of divorce or separation. However good money management also requires looking after mental resilience to cope with such a challenging life event. Do not hesitate to seek counselling support alongside financial planning advice to help process feelings about relationship breakdown. Therapists identify unhealthy behaviours that may compromise earning or saving capabilities long term. For example addiction problems can spiral during marital splits if unchecked. By proactively addressing mental health needs, therapeutic support better equips individuals financially through a testing transition. Take advantage of assistance like workplace counselling as an investment in your future wellbeing while adapting to new financial realities after divorce. Protecting emotional stability safeguards financial stability.

In summary, divorce and separation constitute a major life change event with extensive financial implications that can seem bewildering to navigate at first. Appointing professional financial planners protects your interests during legal processes like asset division settlements. Budgeting specialists help manage changed finances affordably after previously combined incomes and outgoings are separated. Tax experts identify strategic opportunities to mitigate liabilities when redistributing assets. Mortgage brokers unlock property options to resolve housing needs. And counsellors resolve mental blocks that may undermine financial autonomy. Our holistic financial planning service led by accredited professionals offers trusted advisory support during every stage of marital breakdown. So please contact our office today to arrange an initial consultation. Our financial guidance helps build the solutions and certainty needed to move life forward during times of immense personal uncertainty.

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